Legal services

San Antonio Maritime Injury Lawyers

DTD Law Firm San Antonio maritime injury lawyers are here to assist you in obtaining the maximum possible compensation. If you work on a vessel, ship, or in the maritime transportation industry, you’re likely familiar with the daily challenges you must overcome to carry out your tasks successfully and safely. Having specialized legal advice in the event of an accident is vital to navigate your process effectively.

With decades of experience, the legal team at DTD Law Firm is prepared to provide support to victims of maritime accidents along the Texas coast. Additionally, our professional team has experience that facilitates communication and eliminates any known barrier.

If you or a family member has experienced a maritime accident on the Texas coast, we will fight for your compensation from insurance companies, ensuring the complete defense of your rights. Moreover, when you hire us, you don’t have to pay us out of your pocket. DTD Law Firm proudly defends all accident victims, regardless of their citizenship. Call us today and schedule your consultation with our team, which is 100% free, and confidential.

Maritime accidents

How Can Our Maritime Injury Lawyers in San Antonio Help You?

A commercial maritime accident, or commercial ship accident, refers to an incident involving a commercial vessel. A commercial vessel is any watercraft used for commercial purposes, such purposes can be transporting goods, passengers, fishing, or any other economic activity on the water. Commercial ship accidents can vary in severity and may include collisions with other vessels, groundings, shipwrecks, hazardous substance spills, and onboard fires, among other mishaps.

According to the Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA), all vessels or ship workers who suffer an accident three miles or more offshore are entitled to compensation.

These incidents can have serious consequences, including severe injuries to victims, loss of life, environmental damage, and property damage. Investigating commercial ship accidents often involves collaboration between maritime authorities, safety agencies, and international organizations to determine the causes of the accident and develop preventive measures to avoid similar incidents in the future.

Additionally, under U.S. law, all victims of accidents or crimes have a time limit to file for compensation and damages, known as the statute of limitations. Although this law varies depending on the accident and the state you are in, under the jurisdiction of DOHSA, all victims have a three-year period to proceed legally nationwide. The sooner we act, the smoother and more manageable your case will be.

Defend, Triumph, and Deliver

What Types of Nautical Accidents Can Occur?

Various types of boat accidents can happen in different contexts and situations. Some of the most common maritime accidents include:

These incidents transpire when two vessels make contact with each other. Collisions may arise from a multitude of factors, such as navigation errors, adverse weather conditions, technical malfunctions, or communication breakdowns between vessels. The complexity of maritime traffic intensifies the potential for collisions, necessitating a vigilant approach to safety protocols.

Groundings transpire when a vessel becomes stranded on a coast, reef, or submerged landmass. Factors contributing to groundings may encompass navigation errors, adverse weather conditions, or insufficient familiarity with the navigational area. These incidents underscore the importance of precise navigation and an in-depth understanding of maritime environments.

Involving the complete or partial loss of a vessel, shipwrecks result from diverse causes such as collisions, groundings, sinkings, fires, or emergencies on board. The aftermath of shipwrecks demands comprehensive investigations to ascertain causative factors, contributing to improved safety measures and preventive strategies.

Substance spills occur when ships leak oil or other hazardous materials, posing severe threats to the marine environment and individuals swimming in the vicinity. Effective response mechanisms and preventive measures are crucial for minimizing the environmental impact and ensuring the safety of maritime ecosystems.

Fires aboard vessels can be triggered by electrical system failures, machinery issues, accidents during cargo handling, or intentional acts. Mitigating the risks associated with onboard fires necessitates rigorous safety protocols, fire prevention strategies, and comprehensive crew training.

Extreme weather conditions, including storms, hurricanes, or typhoons, expose vessels, especially cargo ships, to hazardous situations at sea. Adherence to weather forecasts, proper route planning, and swift decision-making are imperative to navigate safely through challenging weather scenarios.

Accidents during cargo handling, involving cranes, goods transfer between ships, or activities at ports, underscore the significance of stringent safety procedures and efficient operational practices. Implementing standardized protocols and training crew members are essential elements in preventing mishaps during cargo operations.

Problems stemming from the structural integrity of vessels can lead to avoidable accidents such as sinking or loss of stability. Regular maintenance schedules, inspections, and adherence to industry standards are vital components in mitigating structural failures.

Failures in propulsion systems, steering mechanisms, communication equipment, or other onboard systems can result in accidents. Rigorous maintenance, regular inspections, and crew training in equipment handling contribute to minimizing the occurrence of technical and mechanical failures.

It is important to note that many maritime accidents result from a combination of factors. Sea safety involves not only addressing individual factors but also through the implementation of preventive measures, providing crew members with proper training, and ensuring strict adherence to maritime regulations and standards. By fostering a culture of safety and continuous improvement, the maritime industry can mitigate risks and safeguard the well-being of its personnel and the marine environment.

DTD Attorneys

San Antonio

What to Do in Case of a Maritime Accident?

If you find yourself involved in a maritime accident, it is crucial to take certain steps to ensure your safety and that of others. Here are some actions to consider by our Texas maritime accident lawyers:


Stay Calm

In the immediate aftermath of a maritime accident, maintaining a calm and composed demeanor is paramount. This not only aids in your own decision-making process but also plays a crucial role in reassuring and calming those around you. The ability to remain level-headed can be instrumental in handling emergency situations with precision.

In the immediate aftermath of a maritime accident, maintaining a calm and composed demeanor is paramount. This not only aids in your own decision-making process but also plays a crucial role in reassuring and calming those around you. The ability to remain level-headed can be instrumental in handling emergency situations with precision.


Use Safety Equipment

If you are aboard a vessel, use the available safety equipment, such as life jackets. These devices serve as critical tools for buoyancy and can significantly impact the outcome in emergency scenarios. Extend assistance to others in the correct usage of safety equipment, enhancing the overall safety of all on board.

If you are aboard a vessel, use the available safety equipment, such as life jackets. These devices serve as critical tools for buoyancy and can significantly impact the outcome in emergency scenarios. Extend assistance to others in the correct usage of safety equipment, enhancing the overall safety of all on board.


Communicate the Incident and Request Emergency Assistance

Leveraging onboard communication equipment is imperative for swift reporting of the accident to maritime authorities, nearby vessels, and rescue services. Furnish precise details, including the exact location, nature of the accident, and the number of individuals on board. Effective communication initiates a timely response, potentially minimizing the impact of the incident.

Leveraging onboard communication equipment is imperative for swift reporting of the accident to maritime authorities, nearby vessels, and rescue services. Furnish precise details, including the exact location, nature of the accident, and the number of individuals on board. Effective communication initiates a timely response, potentially minimizing the impact of the incident.


Abandon the Vessel if Necessary

In situations where the vessel is at risk, adherence to abandonment procedures becomes critical. This may involve the use of lifeboats or other designated evacuation equipment. Following established protocols enhances the efficiency of evacuation, ensuring the safety of all individuals on board.

In situations where the vessel is at risk, adherence to abandonment procedures becomes critical. This may involve the use of lifeboats or other designated evacuation equipment. Following established protocols enhances the efficiency of evacuation, ensuring the safety of all individuals on board.


Administer First Aid

When conditions permit, administer first aid to those who are injured while awaiting professional assistance. Many vessels are equipped with emergency medical kits tailored for such scenarios. Quick and appropriate first aid measures can make a substantial difference in the well-being of those affected.

When conditions permit, administer first aid to those who are injured while awaiting professional assistance. Many vessels are equipped with emergency medical kits tailored for such scenarios. Quick and appropriate first aid measures can make a substantial difference in the well-being of those affected.


Cooperate with Authorities

Cooperation with maritime authorities and rescue teams is paramount. Follow their instructions and provide essential information that aids in the coordination of rescue operations. Active collaboration facilitates a streamlined response to the incident, enhancing the chances of a successful resolution.

Cooperation with maritime authorities and rescue teams is paramount. Follow their instructions and provide essential information that aids in the coordination of rescue operations. Active collaboration facilitates a streamlined response to the incident, enhancing the chances of a successful resolution.


Document the Incident

Take photographs or notes about the situation whenever it is safe to do so. This documentation serves as a valuable resource for subsequent investigations and insurance claims. Thorough and accurate records contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the circumstances surrounding the accident.

Take photographs or notes about the situation whenever it is safe to do so. This documentation serves as a valuable resource for subsequent investigations and insurance claims. Thorough and accurate records contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the circumstances surrounding the accident.


Seek Medical Attention

Regardless of the perceived severity of injuries, seek medical attention promptly. Some injuries may exacerbate over time, and certain conditions might only manifest hours or days after the incident. Timely medical attention ensures a comprehensive assessment of your health and well-being.

Regardless of the perceived severity of injuries, seek medical attention promptly. Some injuries may exacerbate over time, and certain conditions might only manifest hours or days after the incident. Timely medical attention ensures a comprehensive assessment of your health and well-being.



It is crucial to recognize that maritime safety is a collective responsibility. Adhering to recommended safety practices and diligently following emergency procedures significantly enhances the capacity to manage and mitigate the impact of a maritime accident. By fostering a culture of preparedness and swift response, individuals can actively contribute to the overall safety and well-being of maritime activities along the Texas Coast.

It is crucial to recognize that maritime safety is a collective responsibility. Adhering to recommended safety practices and diligently following emergency procedures significantly enhances the capacity to manage and mitigate the impact of a maritime accident. By fostering a culture of preparedness and swift response, individuals can actively contribute to the overall safety and well-being of maritime activities along the Texas Coast.

Maximum compensation

What can we get for you?

Among the legal services our maritime accident lawyers in San Antonio offer, our maritime injury lawyers in San Antonio play a crucial role in representing individuals or companies involved in water incidents. Some of our common responsibilities and actions in such accidents include:


Accident Investigation

Conduct thorough investigations to determine the causes of the maritime accident and those responsible. This may involve reviewing navigation records, communications, weather reports, and other relevant documents that our team of investigators will carry out.


Evidence Collection

Gather relevant evidence supporting the claims of all our clients. This could include witness testimonies, documents, medical records, and photographs. This step is vital to properly build your case.


Negotiation with Insurers

Engage with insurance companies to secure fair compensation for victims. This may include damages for personal injuries, loss of income, medical costs, and other expenses related to the accident.


Legal Representation

In case negotiations do not yield results, take the case to court. Throughout this process, we will stand by you every step of the way. However, the vast majority of injury accident cases are resolved before reaching the courts.


Work on a Contingency Fee

This means that if we do not win your case, you do not pay us. Additionally, our fee is a percentage of the compensation we win for you. This way, we are pleased to know that you do not pay us directly out of your pocket.

In summary…

Maritime accident lawyers play an essential role in protecting the legal rights of individuals affected by water accidents, seeking compensation for damages suffered, and addressing the legal complexities associated with maritime law.