Legal services

San Antonio Wrongful Death Attorneys

DTD Law Firm San Antonio wrongful death attorneys provide comfort and peace to your family in times of grief. We understand the challenges you face, offering justice and support if a loved one was lost due to another person’s negligence.

At DTD Law Firm, we dedicate our efforts to securing justice for families who have suffered the loss of a loved one. With decades of experience achieving positive outcomes, we know how to handle our work and we do it exceptionally well.

We offer consultations with legal experts in the field, emphasizing our commitment to our community. Our focus is on defending the rights of victims and their families who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Call us today and schedule your free, confidential consultation.

Wrongful Death

The ABCs of Wrongful Death in Texas

Within the legal framework of the United States, wrongful death refers to the tragic loss of life caused by negligence or accidents. Our legal services extend to cover a spectrum of circumstances resulting in wrongful deaths, encompassing:

  • Medical negligence:
    Instances where lives are lost due to medical negligence or malpractice, inclusive of accidental medication overdoses. Our legal team delves into the complexities of cases involving healthcare providers to seek justice for the grieving families.
  • Accidents:
    Beyond medical contexts, wrongful deaths also involve non-medical accidents, particularly in scenarios where negligence leads to the untimely demise of an individual. This category encompasses a wide array of incidents, such as traffic accidents involving cars, trucks, or maritime vessels.
  • Workplace accidents:
    Workplace accidents resulting in the loss of life are another facet of wrongful deaths. When a workplace incident claims the life of a worker, our legal team diligently investigates the circumstances to ensure the family receives the compensation they deserve.

Dealing with the aftermath of wrongful deaths is emotionally distressing, compounded by the financial challenges families face due to the loss of economic support. At DTD Law Firm, our compassionate wrongful death attorneys in San Antonio are committed to providing unwavering support and strive relentlessly to secure the maximum compensation for the grieving family, helping them navigate through these difficult times with dignity and justice.


Who Can Receive Compensation for the Loss of a Family Member?

Compensation for wrongful death can be obtained through negotiations with insurance companies or through a lawsuit. Individuals eligible for compensation may vary based on the case’s specific circumstances. Common categories of individuals who may be entitled to compensation include:



The surviving spouse typically holds the primary right to initiate a wrongful death lawsuit. This acknowledges the profound emotional and financial impact the loss may have on the marital relationship.



Children, whether minors or adults, possess the legal standing to seek compensation for the profound loss of a parent. The inclusive right extends to adopted children, recognizing their emotional and financial dependence.



In specific situations, parents of the deceased may seek compensation, particularly if they were financially dependent on their child. Adoptive parents also retain the right to pursue legal recourse in the wake of such tragic events.



Individuals who were economically dependent on the deceased, including siblings, step-parents, or grandparents, may assert their right to compensation. This becomes particularly relevant in cases stemming from workplace accidents, where the loss impacts the financial stability of dependents.


Legal Heirs

In scenarios where there is no explicit will or designated beneficiary, legal heirs, as determined by state succession laws, can pursue compensation. Understanding the legal framework is crucial in establishing the rightful claimants.

Laws vary by state, and case-specific circumstances can influence who can seek compensation and in what amount. The type and amount of compensation may include medical expenses, loss of income, loss of companionship, pain and suffering, among others. To navigate this complex terrain and obtain tailored advice for a specific case, seeking consultation with seasoned San Antonio wrongful death lawyers is highly recommended. Their expertise ensures that the pursuit of justice aligns with the legal intricacies pertinent to each individual case.

Tony Dinh

DTD Law Firm

How Can We Help You?

Wrongful death attorneys in San Antonio represent and assist families in cases where a person has died due to another party’s negligence. Our tasks include:



Conducting thorough investigations to gather additional evidence supporting the victim’s case, working with professional investigators and expert witnesses.

Conducting thorough investigations to gather additional evidence supporting the victim’s case, working with professional investigators and expert witnesses.


Filing Lawsuits

With sufficient evidence, filing a lawsuit on behalf of the affected family against the party responsible for wrongful death. This could be an individual, a company, a healthcare professional, or another entity. No one is above the law, and compensation is deserved by all victims, regardless of their citizenship.

With sufficient evidence, filing a lawsuit on behalf of the affected family against the party responsible for wrongful death. This could be an individual, a company, a healthcare professional, or another entity. No one is above the law, and compensation is deserved by all victims, regardless of their citizenship.



Many wrongful death cases are resolved outside of court through settlements. With expert lawyers like DTD Law Firm, we aim for an agreement in favor of the victims and their families.

Many wrongful death cases are resolved outside of court through settlements. With expert lawyers like DTD Law Firm, we aim for an agreement in favor of the victims and their families.


Court Representation

If an agreement cannot be reached, the case may go to trial. In such cases, we represent our clients in court to the fullest extent.

If an agreement cannot be reached, the case may go to trial. In such cases, we represent our clients in court to the fullest extent.

Our role as wrongful death attorneys encompasses a multifaceted approach aimed at securing comprehensive compensation for you and your family. The range of compensation sought on your behalf is expansive and includes:


Medical and funeral expenses

This entails addressing the economic burden incurred through medical care during the treatment phase and the subsequent funeral expenses. Recognizing and alleviating these financial stresses is integral to the compensation strategy.

This entails addressing the economic burden incurred through medical care during the treatment phase and the subsequent funeral expenses. Recognizing and alleviating these financial stresses is integral to the compensation strategy.


Loss of financial support

The compensation sought extends to covering the substantial loss of financial support that the deceased provided. This encompasses the value of various benefits, such as life insurance or pensions, which contribute to the family’s economic stability.

The compensation sought extends to covering the substantial loss of financial support that the deceased provided. This encompasses the value of various benefits, such as life insurance or pensions, which contribute to the family’s economic stability.


Pain and suffering

Beyond the tangible economic aspects, our pursuit of justice encompasses the intangible but profound realm of emotional and psychological damage resulting from the loss of a family member. This includes compensation for the pervasive impact of grief, manifesting in conditions like depression, anxiety, and stress.

Beyond the tangible economic aspects, our pursuit of justice encompasses the intangible but profound realm of emotional and psychological damage resulting from the loss of a family member. This includes compensation for the pervasive impact of grief, manifesting in conditions like depression, anxiety, and stress.


Loss of household services

If the deceased played a vital role in providing household services, such as childcare or performing essential household chores, our compensation strategy ensures coverage for the tangible loss of these invaluable services. This recognizes the broader impact on the family dynamic beyond the immediate financial repercussions.

If the deceased played a vital role in providing household services, such as childcare or performing essential household chores, our compensation strategy ensures coverage for the tangible loss of these invaluable services. This recognizes the broader impact on the family dynamic beyond the immediate financial repercussions.

Navigating such a legal process amid loss can be burdensome and very stressful. Therefore, our legal firm’s main goal is our clients’ well-being. We seek the compensation they deserve and relieve victims of the burden of navigating this process on their own.

Deadly accidents

No Fee Right Out of Your Pocket

Our wrongful death attorneys are governed by our commitment to the community, with our clients always being our top priority. The attorneys at DTD Law Firm in San Antonio do not charge you if we do not win your case.

This is because we work under a contingency fee structure, meaning we only charge if we win. Moreover, our fee is only a small percentage of the total compensation our legal team has won for you and your family. This way, we proudly say that you never pay us upfront or directly from your pocket.

At DTD Law Firm, we uphold the rights of our clients, reflected in our way of working. We prioritize victims above all and are primarily concerned with their economic and family well-being after losing a loved one due to an accident or another person’s negligence.